How to prepare VACCP, TACCP for FSSC 22000 Version 6.0



How do you carry out assessment of TACCP, VACCP and ready your organization for FSSC 22000 V5

While HACCP helps you identify the scientific reasons to reduce Food safety incidents, TACCP and VACCP have different intent.

TACCPThreat Assessment Critical Control Point have been incorporated in many FSMS standards such as FSSC 22000 Version 5, BRC, SQF and many more in the form of Food defence mechanism.

Threats foreseen or unforeseen from various sources such as Disgruntled individuals, Extremists, Opportunist, Cyber criminal, Extortionist are assessed and prioritised. This is also referred to Behaviour Motivated Adulteration.

Top Priority threats are considered as Critical control point and treated or terminated using Protective controls. These controls have to be reviewed atleast annually or as and when an incident occurs. Guidelines such as PAS 96 can be used as a reference and basis to assess the threats and prioritise them.


VACCP – Vulnerability Assessment Critical control point have also been incorporated in BRC, FSSC 22000 Version 5.

Organisations who are certified to FSSC 22000 V3.1 and upgrading to FSSC 22000 V5 should ensure that a separate Assessment is carried out emphasising on Economically Motivated Adulteration EMA. All such risks are assessed and prioritised to ensure that appropriate Protective controls are established, followed with pre determined review mechanism.

Still have doubts in TACCP, VACPP, FSSC 22000 V5 do call us on 98453 13910, 98450 78743 or drop an email to [email protected]