Finding a R2 Recycler SERI Certified

Taj computers, Delhi involved in repair, dismantling, refurbishment of laptops, desktops have now been recommended for R2 SERI Certificate.

R2 SERI Licensing and certification requires recyclers to maintain high level of integrity and traceability of products right from receiving until dispatch. Further to the repair and refurbishment process, Cradle to Grave of the focus material have also to be documented and controlled to avoid misuse or abuse of the wastes.

If Finding a R2 Recycler SERI Certified is a don’t have to feel so. Call us on 9845313910, 9845078743 or email to [email protected] to know more about R2 SERI, R2 Certified supplier, R2 Certificate, R2 SERI Audit, SERI License,