TAJ Computers with its collection centre in Bangalore and processing centre in New Delhi has kick started the R2 Responsible care certification process. Lead by our Senior consultant, the gap analysis based on the standard have been conducted and the documentation process has been kick started.
R2 Responsible care 2013 published by SERI USA is a standard based on recycling electronic goods except for White goods. Right from collection till final disposal, the entire life cycle assessment is carried out and documents based on the standard are prepared. Implementation time frame will take any where between 6 to 12 months depending upon the maturity of the systems implemented.
The provisions of the R2 standard will have to be strictly adhered to achieve the certification from SERI approved certification body.
Looking for a SERI approved R2 Consultant, R2 Certified Recycler in DELHI, MUMBAI, HYDERABAD, CHENNAI or any part of the India, Singapore, Malaysia, Qatar, Oman, UAE, Philippines, Hongkong, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia…Just drop an email to [email protected] or call or WhatsApp + 91 9741501910